Our church life has changed greatly over the past few weeks and months as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of these things, which are core to our ‘being Church’, have adapted and carried on in new ways.
Zoom is one of several applications that connects people together by video on a smartphone, tablet, iPad or laptop or PC computer so that several people can see each other at the same time on their screens and join in on a conversation. The basic Zoom App is free to download and use on a smartphone, tablet, iPad or computer. Click Zoom Guide for Participants for the guidance for Participants of a Zoom meeting, and Zoom Guide for Hosts for Guidance if you wish to use Zoom to Host a meeting.
The Church of Scotland, cognisant of fears about the security of Zoom, has developed guidance on setting up and using Zoom in ways that minimise the risks. Our Communications Committee has developed a set of simple guidance for people who want to host a meeting and also for people who want to join in as participant They incorporate the relevant advice from the Church of Scotland’s document.
Other apps, such as WhatsApp and Facetime can be used by up to four people for video-calls so can be ideal for small and group meetings, such as for discussing the questions posed by Bruce at the end of his weekly reflections, bible study or prayer groups.
Please get in touch via the Church office (jordchurch@btconnect.com) if you want more information or advice.